Book A Session
After School and Evening Sessions:
MONDAYS - fun football coaching, Brockenhurst MUGA
3:30-5pm, £7
WEDNESDAYS - multisports/games, Jubilee Fields (Sway)
3:30-4:30pm, £5

We also run our Pick Up Club for children at Brockenhurst Primary on a Monday and the same for those at St Luke's on a Wednesday which you can book below! Head over to our Pick Up Club page to find out more information.
Pre-book to secure your space with us. Sessions can be booked up until the day before, however we cannot guarantee spaces will available this close to the session starting.
If you arrive to a session without a booking, providing there is an available space for your child, we will ask that you fill out a booking registration form at the door and make payment before your child can enter. We do not accept cash or cheque but we will have a card reader for you to use.
Want to book for weeks in advance? You can buy our 'BLOCK' sessions below to get block booking discount and secure your space for the weeks ahead! For block bookings, 10 days' notice of cancellation is required to allow us to plan groupings, staffing and other processes accordingly.
PLEASE NOTE: After school sessions will not run during half terms or bank holidays.
We can't wait to welcome you to DFJ Multisports!
Sibling discount: First child full price. Save by entering SIBLING in the coupon code box for any additional sibling bookings.
Discount on sports sessions only
1 hr
5 British pounds3pm - 4:30pm
7 British pounds3pm-4:30pm. 6 weeks. Wednesday 15th June-20th July
39.90 British pounds3:30-4:30pm. 6 weeks.
28.50 British pounds